Now a days Back bone of India bending towards the ground because of demand and supply, role of middle man ,climatic changes and also less knowledge regarding marketing etc.
To overcome this situation of farmer’s (producer) , farmer’s have to follow integrated farming system in which they can get income based on daily basis , weekly basis , monthly basis, quarterly. By annual and annual basis .
For an example :- Integrated farming practices includes agricultural crops horticultural crops , forestry crops , poultry management , fishery , organic input production unit etc in which
poultry management and horticultural crop like coconut plantation gives daily basis income, organic input production unit gives quarterly basis income , fishery management gives by annual basis income and also most of horticultural crops and forestry crops like bamboo gives annual basis income etc. By which farmer’s can improve there economic status without depending on single crop production,which can indirectly improve the nation’s wealth ,

Poornima S

By Poornima S


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