Integrated Farming system: There are many ways one can do farming these days.., Integrated Farming, Hydroponic Farming , Aeroponics farming ,as technology and information has been developing in the world and in India itself from the past many years ,farming practices are also developed from time to time .
Integrated Farming is one of the farming practices which has been practiced for the past few years , is an integrated approach on farming where the resources which we get from one of the agriculture practices are used as raw products for other agricultural use …not just for agricultural use but also for other uses, For example ,The waste we get from the poultry farm i.e from the hens can be used to increase the ammonium content in the water where fishery is being practiced , it helps to increase the nitrogen percentage in the waters and helps fish to gain a bigger size ….and the water can also be used to irrigate the fields. ln this way one product can be used in not just one way but many …
Integrated farming helps to reduce the input cost economy, and helps in making more change in the input cost when compared to normal agricultural practices.As the others integrated farming also has some drawbacks i.e
*Integrated farming cannot be done in small lands …if done desired output cannot be obtained.
*It needs more labour to manage every agricultural and other related practices.
*Needs more cost to set up at the time of setting up integrated farming.
Change in one subject can effect others as well …
In this way Integrated farming is one of the cost effective and input effective methods of agriculture practice which helps farmers to achieve better output than the normal agriculture methods.In my opinion integrated farming is one of the effective way to use the agricultural inputs and outputs with the less wastage for the better results…