Organic Farming

Organic Farming describe how it uses Organic elements and composts and trie’s to expand soil sichness by taking care of soil miniature existence with build ups from life for example-trash fertiliser, sewage plant deposit Organic farming avoids Chemical pesticides and Fertilisers and seeks to increase soil fertility through feeding soil micro-life with residues, from life such as garbage compost and sewage, manure, Plant residues, Food Processing wates etc. Organic Farming vely on biological Processes to obtain high quality Vields, which are as good as these achived asing modern techniques as agricultural production

Organic farming is the type of farming in which animal manures and biological Pesticides are refers to the traditional and healthy method of farming. Howard introduced organic farming in India. This type of farming is done with out the use of chemical fertilizers It reduces soil erosion and environmental Pollution. It also makes use of renewable resources. Organic food has great taste and it helps us to stay healthy The organic farming foods are cheaper as compared to conventional farming. The organic farming Promotes regeling of organic material The manures of organic farming are easily transportable, non- harmful and Powerful..

Organic manure, being Complex mixture is a Store house of nutrients organic farming as Components like; organic manures, Biological pest management, No Chemical weed control, Alley cropping. jess is utilized in organic Cultivating contrasted with ordinary horticultureless motorization is required.

Organic farming has many benefits in today’s world. And it is esteemed to much more cautions than the traditional ways of farming. Organic farming reliance on these method

is beneficial as they Provide more nutritious crop and better nourishment.

singamaneni Yasaswi

By singamaneni Yasaswi

this is yasaswi from lovely professional University I'm pursuing Bsc Hons agriculture final year.

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