We all know mushroom.As a Fungi? Yes it’s a Fungi with huge value. There are many types of mushrooms some of them are edible, some of them are poisonous and some of them are crazzzy also magic.
When we come to the cultivation, it’s pretty.
The value of them is huge and today they compete with non-veg for its nutrient value.
They are rich in nutrients , proteins and amino acids.
Now a days they are cultured , cultivated, grown, marketed and consumed in many ways.
They use in many recipes, starters,curries,biryanis and many more.
The cultivation and consumption of mushroom is increasing day by day as people are getting aware of its value . Even today many of village vegetarian people are not eating mushroom because they thought it as a non- veg dish.
But it’s not. This thought was from many years back but the thought has been changing day by day. Today people are aware of it.
The cultivation of them is to be taken by maintaining optimum climate, temprature, humidity and with sanitary equipments with out any contamination.
As to my knowledge i try to explain the cultivation through highlight steps .
1. Collection of required mushroom culture.
2. Mass production by using jower or other seeds.
3. Collection of raw materials like plastic cover, paddy straws, closing rubbers, sprayer , formaldehyde for sanitation, scissor ,gunnybags and other requirements like tables .
4. Prepare cover in round shape and fill it with soaked paddy straws and make holes for good areation.
5 .Fill them with mass produced culture and keep it for mushroom production .
Note that it’s too necessary that we should maintain climate required for their proper growth and humidity is highly maintained.
6. Harvest them after their good growth.
7 marketing them to restorant,super market.
For better sales some advertisement can be done. And we can also make the people to get aware of mushroom and it’s nutrient value.

Marvalous Mushroom, culture it, cultivate it and consume it.

Virupakshayya T C

By Virupakshayya T C

I'm a student of my own path to success taking on agriculture as major.

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