Sorghum scientific name:- Sorghum bicolour
It is mainly used for the both forage &grain production, cultivated for grain and fodder. It contains 70%starch content starch contains is a drought resistant annual crop.
50%cross pollinated crop oftenly. Isolation distance in foundation seed is 400m&certified seed is 400m.
Climate:- dry&cool,it depends on rainfed& irrigated crop based on different seasons. Sowing may be done during June-July&oct-nov seasons. Treatment :- seeds are soaked in 2% potassium dehydrogenase phosphate solution for 10hrs &dried back.
Seed selection:-For land 12-15kg of seed is required;less vigorous, seed is affected by sugary disease.
Field preparation:- Application of 12.5%of FYM, plough the field 1-2times by harrowing 2-3times&levelling.
Formation of furrows&ridges:-should be 45cm; spacing 15cm
Fertilizer should be applied uniformly in the furrows like 50:50:50NPK kg/ha.
Irrigation mng:- once in 7days or once in 10days based on during panicle emergence, during flowering, seed maturation.
Plant protection :- weed management like weeding &hoeing for controlling of weeds. Also controlled by 1kgAtrazine (700l)of water after 2-3days of sowing.
Diseases control like 0.2%zineb should be spray after 45days of sowing.
Pest&diseaes like :-Aphids, green bug, fallarmyworm, grasshopper
Charcoal rot, Anthragnos, Aceromonium wilt.
Roughing :- before flowering – self sown crop plants with different leaf colour, shape&stem colour. During flowering – early or late flowering plants &plants with deviant panicle shape. Before harvesting – panicle affects by ergot, fungi& smut.
Harvesting :- harvested from 40-45days after 50%flowerig .At this stage moisture content will be around 20-22%; seed weight, germination&vigour would also be high will shrink upon drying.
Seed yield:- 2000kg/ha can be harvested.
Ear head threshing :- moisture content should be 15-18%, heads should be dried.
Mechanical injuries affect the germination& vigour of seed.
Drying :- dried in sunshine heat.
it should be 10-12% .
Seed processing :- wrinkled, broken and small seeds as well as physical impurities such as sand, stones, dust crops seeds are removed.
Storage :- seeds are hygroscopic stored in gunny bags.
Seed certification :- All parameters like physical purity, genetic purity, moisture contents etc,. Should be maintained; verification of isolation distance, filed inspection, flowering, harvesting, processing and bagging.
Conclusion :-sorghum producing areas still experience periodic foods deficits. Production must be increased in order to improve household food security. Sorghum will continue to expand over the future or rural populations expand and crop land is extended into dried and fragile ecosystems.

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