I would like to discuss about the precision farming in India.
It is a modern agriculture practice involving the use of technology in agriculture like remote sensing GPS and Geographical Information System (GIS) for improving productivity and profitability .It enables farmers to use crop inputs more efficiently including pesticides , fertilizers , tillage and irrigation water .
It is comprised of near and remote sensing techniques using loT sensors which help to monitor crop states of multiple growth levels .5Rs in precision farming is right time, right place ,right amount and right manner that to contribute towards successful implementation of the revolutionary techniques.
Precision agriculture can help in managing those inputs in an environmental friendly way. By using site specific Knowledge. At current generation mostly it required for Indian agriculture because it prevents soil degradation.Reduction of chemical application in crop production . Efficient use of water resources.Dissemination of modern farm practices to improve quality , quantity and reduced cost of production.
It is also one of the smart farming which helps agricultural processes ,such as harvesting and crop yields ,as the automation of sensors and machinery has made the farming workforce more efficient.