 Millions of people around the world depend on sorghum and millets such as Pearl millet, Finger millet, Kodo millet, Proso millet, Foxtail millet, Little millet, and Barnyard millet.
 These are usually rain-fed crops grown in low-rainfall zones, and thus reclaim greater value for long-term agriculture and food security.
 Almost all millets are used by humans in most developing countries, but their use in developed countries has largely been limited to animal feed. Millets have a similar nutritional profile to major cereals and are a healthy source of fibre.
 Nutrition, micronutrients, and phytochemicals are also important components of a healthy diet. Soaking, malting, decortication, and frying are also examples of processing.
 Antioxidant quality and behaviour was influenced (Saleh et al., 2013). Finger millet contains 12-16 percent protein and 2-5 percent lipids, while sorghum and most millets contain around 10% protein and 3.5 percent lipids.
 Micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals are abundant in sorghum and millets. Prolamin (kaffirin) makes up the majority of sorghum protein.
 The millets, on the other hand, have a stronger amino acid profile and have a special function of reducing digestibility when cooked.
 It has been successful. It has been documented that sorghum proteins are slightly less digestible when cooked than other cereal proteins. For certain food types, there could be a health advantage. Millets, on the other hand, have less cross-linked prolamins, which may be another factor leading to millet.


 Niacin, found in millet, aids in the management of over 400 enzyme reactions in the body. Niacin is therefore essential for maintaining good skin and organ function.
 In reality, it’s suchan essential compound that it’s often used to enrich processed foods. Millet is a good source of beta-carotene, particularly the darker varieties.
 This natural pigment acts as an antioxidant and a precursor to vitamin A, assisting the body in the battle against free radicals and promoting eye protection.
 Millets are not only nutritionally similar to major cereals, but they are also excellent sources of carbohydrates, micronutrients, and phytochemicals of nutraceutical properties. Millets have a protein content of 7-12 percent, a fat content of 2-5 percent, a carbohydrate content of 65-75 percent, and a dietary fibre content of 15-20 percent.
 Pearl millet is one of them, and it has a significant amount of it.
 Protein (12-16%) and lipids (4-6%) are higher in finger millet, while protein (6-8%) and fat are lower in finger millet (1.5-2 %).
 The Millet protein has a higher basic amino acid balance than maize protein.
 Pearl millet has a higher niacin content than all other cereals, but finger millet proteins are peculiar due to their high sulphur content.
 Millet proteins, like cereal proteins, are low in lysine, but they work well in combination with lysine-rich vegetable (leguminous) and animal proteins to create nutritionally healthy composites with high biological value.
 When compared to fine cereals, small millets are more nutritional. The richest source of calcium (300-350 mg/100 g) is finger millet, while other small millets are high in phosphorous and iron.

CM Mubarak

By CM Mubarak

I am Mubarak, currently in final year of BSc Hons Agriculture from lovely professional University. I belongs to Hindupur, Sathya Sai (Dist),Ap,

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