A piculture
is a

technique of bee

Keeping by rearing practices for Obtaining the boney & bee war. Before man leared to manufacture Sugar. be used to Sweeten his Eatable. with honey only. Thus honey been has been associated with man’

from the pre-bistoric days & have. the highest degree of domestication. Honey was & is

still an important element of

human diet & also has medical Importance

Bees are economically important Social insects, they not only Provide us with honey & wax, they are also responsible for Pollination flowers of commerically important PlantsSelection of sites for quality.

& protection of bees & Combs from pests & disease are Part of apiculture

Methods of Bee Keeping

Indigenous Method

a) immovable Stawlure :- it is

Practiced in villages form time immemorial, small structures are made in protected Places

6) movable structure & Bee Chambers are made up of hollow Earthen pots et.. Which can be moved from Place to place.

bags, empty wooden boxing,.

Modern Method

a typical movable bive- artific movable by wooden box .Queen excluder: The Queen

is excluded from the colony, Special food called “royal Jelly”

3 Honey extractor :-

y comb foundation :-

5 uncapping knife.


kept * The boxes must be onder cool Places

* Fresh water reservior Should be near the hive

Anwar Dudekula

By Anwar Dudekula

I'm Dudekula Anwar I'm pursuing agriculture bsc agriculture (Hons)final year.in lovely professional University punjab

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