Rain Water Harvesting
Rain water harvesting is a tech -nique for directing and collecting rain water in underground tanks. The Stored water is used for water -ing Plants and irigation. Rain water harvesting is a step to Prevent Wastage of wates.

Rain water harvesting elses many Such as -ing, roof top method of hawrest slopes, water collection reservarts, trenchs Surface water collections. Underground tanks, dams, barrages. etc..

Pain water harvesting implements Several ways by which rain water Such as traditional methods or any new methods technology
Pain water harvesting excellent in rainsing ground Water levels in water shortage areas, and harvested water ensures a smooth supply of anter in future. The nation

behind rain water barvesting is to not waste water and Prevent it. form Eunning off. more over, rain water harvesting. is So Easy that almost anyone Can do it we most encourage this Paratice.

As we know that surface. Water is not enough that to meet the demands of people… This method will reduces the stress on our rivers and lakes
During the seasonal monsoon,” is plenty of water. every there where &looding villages and towns, but not enough of the water soaks into the ground. Rain water harvesting, in Effect, Puts water back into the soil. From there it is directed into aquifers or Stored in reservoir’s 40 be taken out coben need for various Bause bold activites or to water Plants, This is a technique of supplying water to make Agriculture Flourish.

Appasani Prudhvi chowdary

By Appasani Prudhvi chowdary

My self prudhvi and Iam pursuing bsc.hons agriculture in lovely professional University

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