Maize is important fodder crop for animals. Grown over 9 lakh in different parts country.
Climate: maize grown in area with rainfall of 50 CM But best yield achieved in 120-150 CM. Mostly grown under irrigation.
Soil: Deep, rich organic matter and well drain land is preferred for crop.
PH should be 5.5 to 7.5 , Alluvial soil is good. Land preparation: four to five ploughing for seed bed free from weeds. Variety are south Africa tall is recommended for entire country. And 50-80 t/ha. J-1006 recommend for Punjab , 45-55 t/ha.Manure and fertilizers: FYM @10 t/ha before sowing. 90-30-30 kg/ha of N-P2O5-K2O for higher yield. Disease like leaf blight, stalk rot, rust. Pest like shoot fly at seedling stage. Control use of thimet @10G 15kg/ha.cut worm are controlled by dusting of 2% folidol 20kg /ha.