Integrated faming system is more sustainable agriculture. It is a combination of livestock,crop production ,fish, poultry, plantation crops etc in which one system benefits other systems. It is the concept based on waste management. It improves the soil fertility .It minimizes the nutrition loss.we can benefit more .The whole set up is maintained at same palce to generate income and employment. Reduces the use of chemicals. The produce is healthy , pollution free.It increases in natural use efficiency of resource use and recycling nutrition.There will be ,daily ,weekly , monthly, bi-annual ,annual generation of is a theme in which agriculture is converted into a business model. we can use locally available materials.we can conserve soil and water.There will be waste management .Durgery reduction . There will be more profitable.
How does it works?
The term Integrated farming systems refers to set independent and related to interlocking production systems.
Practice in IFS
Organization and management
Monitoring and auditing
Animal husbandry
Crop protection
Soil and water management
Wildlife and landscape management
Crop rotation and variety choice.
Benefits of IFS
Environmental safety
Meeting fooder crisis
Employment generation
Increase input efficiency
This is a system it is more sustainable agriculture in the present world to avoid exploitation of resources and to sustain for further generation