Waterlogging and waterlogged lands

Water gets logged when excess water is present in the root zone of a plant, which lowers root oxygen. Aquaculture may be a significant restriction on plant growth and output, and will induce plant mortality under certain situations. This limitation may not be seen until the entire profile of the soil is wet and water is on the surface. Water gets logged when excess water is present in the root zone of a plant, which lowers root oxygen. Aquaculture may be a significant restriction on plant growth and output, and will induce plant mortality under certain situations. This restriction can only be visible if the entire ground profile is saturated and water is present.

Waterlogging in the root zone with anaerobic conditions is excess water. Excess water limits the flow of gases and organic activities use the available oxygen in soil air and water, commonly referred to as anaerobiosis, anoxia or oxygen deprivation. Gas exchange can be hindered even if the soil is not wet (waterlogged).
These situations have a variety of effects on agricultural plants, including:

• nutritional deficits or toxicities,
• root loss, and
• decreased plant growth or mortality.

Causes of waterlogging-
1. Over and Intensive Irrigation

2. Seepage of Water from Adjoining High Lands

3. Seepage of Water through the Canals

4. Impervious Obstruction

5. Inadequate Natural Drainage

6. Inadequate Surface Drainage

7. Excessive Rains

8. Submergence due to floods

9. Irregular or Flat Topography

10. Inadequate Capacity of Arterial Drains

11. Construction of Reservoirs

Waterlogged lands-
Water logging in our country is a major problem. The whole area of water is projected to be 86.92 lakh hectares. It comprises areas for irrigation controls and other areas beyond the command.
While the irrigated region is blocked by an increase in the water table as a direct result of insufficient drainage, other regions are locked up by flooding, resulting from long-term floods. Table shows principally concerned States and the territory that is become infertile
and unproductive

CM Mubarak

By CM Mubarak

I am Mubarak, currently in final year of BSc Hons Agriculture from lovely professional University. I belongs to Hindupur, Sathya Sai (Dist),Ap,

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