Agricultural Marketing takes its origin from the conversion of subsistence farming into commercial farming. Today agriculture has become market Orient,so marketing in agriculture is the most important and acts as agent for profit maximizing. Agricultural marketing starts from production to reaching out the product to consumer hands,it includes harvesting, processing, transportation,packing,value addition,supply chain management etc.So industrial Agriculture concentrates on developing strong marketing for assured benefits.
A small scale value addition to the products by farmer to the biggest channel of supply chain in agriculture by industrialists has an huge impact on agriculture sector.
Doubling of farmers income speaks on two major concepts of increasing income by backward and forward linkage. Through technology advancement a farmer can use the low cost technology and increase the output by value addition and processing which are all part of Agricultural Marketing.
Agricultural Marketing aims at increasing the benifit for the industry,assured profit for farmer and quality products for consumers.
Today a product which is produced in distance location is transported to the consumers location,MSP’s for 22 products from the government helps to give assured price for farmers,contract farming,buy back system,tie up with industries,agro- based industries are all the boons for farmers.