Sericulture is an agro based commercial industry which involves cultivation of host
plants (Mulberry) and rearing of silkworms for the production of cocoon to produce raw silk.
Silk is referred as the “Queen of Textiles”. It is known for its qualities like luxury, class
and comfort.
Silk has been involved with the life and culture of the Indians.
Importance of sericulture
Sericulture plays a major role in rural employment and a very good commercial business.
Lot of business opportunities are available in various fields of sericulture.
It is practiced in various states of India especially in Assam, Jharkhand.
Non-Mulberry sericulture is practiced in Assam, Jharkhand, Orissa and Madhya Pradesh.
More than 8 million people are involved in sericulture.
Why Sericulture?
Potential employment is generated in rural areas.
Suitable for Women workers.
Low gestation period.
High returns within short duration.
Mulberry plantation lasts 10-15 years.
Shorter crop duration i.e., 5-6 crops/Year.
Most of the activities (garden, rearing, reeling, twisting and weaving) are household.
Mulberry is also a good fodder crop.
Bombyx mori L. is derived from the Latin name for the silkworm, the silk producing caterpillar
that feeds on mulberry (Morus alba) leaves.
The life cycle of mulberry silkworm completes in 45-55 days and the life cycle has 4 stages like
egg, larva, pupa and moth. Egg stage is lasting for 9-10 days, larval stage which is 24-28 days,
pupal stage 8-10 days and moth stage 3-4 days.
Eggs: Silkworm egg is round and white. The weight of freshly laid 2,000 eggs is about
Larva: After 10 days the eggs hatch into larva. It is called caterpillar. After hatching
caterpillars need continuous supply of food because they are continuous feeders.
Pupa: Pupa is the resting stage of silkworm. It is a period during which some changes
take place.
Adult: The adult of Bombyx mori is about 2.6 cm in length and creamy white. After
emergence the adult is incapable of flight because of its weak wings and heavy body.
This industry is suitable for producing all kinds of silks.
The trend for demand of silk is high in the domestic market.
High returns with low gestation period.
Employment opportunity for rural people.
Lack of skilled labours.
All the allied activities (Grainage, Reeling Etc.) are not co-ordinated each other for their
effective functioning.
Fluctuation of the prices for the outcome of the industry production.
Availability of the certain inputs which is of major concern in certain parts of the
sericulture practicing areas is very low.
Lack of awareness in people and lack of requirements in some areas.
Growing demand for Indian silk products all over the world.
Application of the products in the health and pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.
Awareness on the utilization of by-products of the industry.
Competition from other cash crops such as sugarcane, cotton, jute.
Any negative change in the importing policy will cause a so much of damage to the
Invasion of pests and diseases and etc.