*Parthenium hysterophours is an alien weed of national significance. It is popularity known as Congress grass, Carrot weed, White cap or top,
Vayyari bhama.
*It is a fast maturing annual, which can grow to a height 1.5-2.0m having branches and leaves.
covered with fine hairs. It produces large number of flowers and seeds of light weight.
* A single plant can produce 5000 to 25000 seeds.
*It causes health hazards like skin allergy, hay fever and asthma in human beings, and also toxic to livestock.
* suggestions on control of parthenium with 2,4-D Sodium Salt(weedicide), and Metribuzin.
* Release bioagent Zygogramma bicolorata in infested areas during June- August.Done manual weeding of parthenium in some areas for showing the importance of prevention of parthenium and decrease the easy spread of their seeds.