Author:-B.VenkataLakshmi,Trainee of ANANTH AGRI SERVICES Gorantla,
Andhra Pradesh-515231

Email: venkatlakshmi@cropcog.in

According to Modern Terrestrial ecosystems, Plants,Algae and Cyanobacteria (eg: Azolla+Anabaena) develop important symbiotic associations with Soil fungi.These Relationships are known from ancient times.The most widespread and prominent symbiosis between terrestrial plants and fungi is arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM).This type of mycorrhiza symbiosis is formed between approximately 80% of land plants and a Monophyletic group of Obligate symbiotic multi karyotic and asexual fungi ,The Glomeromycota.

Evolutionary history also has a different influence on outcomes of ectomycorrhizal versus arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis,the formers are best explained by the multiple evolutionary origins of ectomycorrhizal lifestyle in plants,while the latter are best explained by recent diversification in plants,both are also explained by evolution of specificity between plants and fungi.These results provide the foundation for a Synthetic framework to predict the outcomes of nutritional mutualism.
At coarse level, mycorrhizal symbiosis can be divided into several different association types, including arbuscular and ectomycorrhizal,which differ in their evolutionary origins while there is a single origin of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis in both plants and fungi,with subsequent losses and occasional reversions back to arbuscular mycorrhizal in the seed plants ,the ectomycorrhizal symbiosis stems from multiple , independent evolutionary origins in both plants and fungi.

The evolutionary origins of fungal symbiosis have been a long and complex process, shaped by millions of years of co-evolution between fungi and their hosts. From the early origins of fungal associations in ancient soils to the development of specialized mycorrhizal networks, fungi have played a crucial role in shaping the evolution of life on Earth.

Through their symbiotic relationships, fungi have influenced the development of plant and animal species, and have played a key role in shaping ecosystem processes and nutrient cycles. The study of fungal symbiosis has revealed the interconnected nature of life on Earth, and has highlighted the importance of fungi in maintaining the balance and diversity of ecosystems.

Christine strullu -Derrien,marc-andre selosse,paul kenrick,francis m.martin.
(The origin and evolution of mycorrhizal symbiosis:from paleomycology to phylogenomics).

Venkata lakshmi Baki

By Venkata lakshmi Baki

Doing as Intern (mushroom production) and I acts as a marketing agent in AAS

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